Limitations of Conventional Mold Remediation

When it comes to conventional mold remediation methods, they often fall short in completely eradicating mold from your environment. Let’s explore some reasons why these conventional approaches may not be as effective as desired.

Ineffectiveness And Health Concerns


Despite using bleach, mold tends to resurface within a short span, as the underlying cause is not addressed adequately.

Cleaning with bleach agitates mold spores, causing them to disperse into the air, leading to potential health issues and allergic reactions.

Bleach only targets the surface mold, neglecting airborne mold spores, which can lead to continued mold growth.

Bleach solutions contain a significant amount of water, and when the Sodium Hypochlorite evaporates, it leaves moisture behind, providing a favorable environment for mold to thrive.

Bleach’s efficacy diminishes when used on porous materials like concrete, wood, wallpaper, sheetrock, grout, books, or clothing, as it struggles to penetrate and eliminate mold effectively.

Limited Effectiveness and Safety Concerns

Chemicals, Biocides, and Fungicides

   Commonly used biocides and chemicals may not efficiently eradicate molds, leading to recurring growth.

Biocides may not fully remove allergens or other metabolites produced by mold, causing adverse reactions in sensitive individuals.

  The use of biocides indoors for mold remediation requires approval from relevant authorities like the US EPA or Health Canada, raising safety concerns.

Mold can rebound shortly after the use of biocides, making them an unreliable solution.

Biocides and chemicals often target either surfaces or air, but seldom address both aspects of mold contamination.

Costly and Incomplete Solution

Remove It, Tear It Down

Complete removal and replacement of mold-affected materials can be financially burdensome, particularly for large-scale remediation projects.

While repairing leaks is crucial, this approach may not effectively eliminate airborne mold spores, leading to potential re-infestation.

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Why you should use Our Gaseous Approach

At NextWave Remediation, we understand the limitations of conventional methods and have embraced an innovative gaseous approach that ensures efficient and thorough mold remediation. Our cutting-edge techniques offer the best chance of achieving a mold-free and healthier living space.